Câble de changement de vitesse 81326556322 81.32655-6322 pour MAN Trucks
Catégorie Convient aux camions et autobus européens
Marque MAN
OEM NO. 81326556322
DESCRIPTION Câble de changement de vitesse de la boîte de vitesses

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    Ouri Gearbox Shift Cable Assembly 81326556322 for MAN Trucks: Comprehensive Overview

    Introducing the Ouri gearbox shift cable assembly, designated by the OEM number 81326556322, explicitly crafted for compatibility with MAN trucks. This document details the assembly’s core specifications, features, and the advantages it offers.

    Description du produit : The Ouri gearbox shift cable assembly, with the specific OEM identifier 81326556322, is engineered to match the operational demands of MAN truck models. This component is crucial for facilitating precise gear transitions, enhancing the overall driving experience.

    Key Attributes:

    • Custom Fit: Designed to integrate seamlessly with MAN truck models, ensuring optimal functionality and reliability.
    • Construction durable : Built using high-grade materials to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty truck operations and variable environmental conditions.
    • Smooth Operation: Promotes smoother, more reliable gear shifts, contributing to better vehicle control and operational efficiency.

    This overview provides insights into the Ouri gearbox shift cable assembly 81326556322, highlighting its importance in maintaining efficient transmission control in MAN trucks.

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